The Wine Appreciation Team

The Issue

I have noticed over the years that when dining out many people will readily pay £15 to £20 on a bottle of wine with their meal.  This wine has a likely retail value in the region of £5 to £7.

When the same people buy a bottle of wine from a supermarket or a wine merchant to drink at home they often wouldn't dream of spending £15 to £20, opting for the cheaper end of the market.

The Challenge

I'd like to encourage people to try different wines, of different values, from different regions, of different vintages.

The challenge is to change perceptions as to what "value" really is... or what it could be.

Higher cost does not equal better value. There is a balance to be searched for!

The Solution

A gathering of friends, colleagues, acquaintances where we will all try a number of wines of varying prices.

Each person will have the equivalent of a bottle of wine at an average retail price of £15 to £20... some may be cheaper and of course some may be more expensive.

The evenings sometimes consist of games, challenges, blind tastings, or simply laughter and banter.


T.W.A.T. Meetings

No upcoming events.